Check Your E Challan Status in Telangana

The system of issuing an E-challan is a way for traffic police to streamline tracking traffic offenders and hold them accountable. An E-challan is akin to a traffic ticket. Most states in India follow traffic offenses electronically, using cameras installed in key locations to monitor traffic violations. Still, it is issued online, electronically, as authorities can get information about the owner of a vehicle through their license plate number. With technological advancements, the E-challan system has made the accountability of violations seamless and quick.

E Challan Status in Telangana

What is an E-challan?

An E-challan is the digital version of a regular challan. Electronically issuing an E-challan is part of an integrated computer network in Telangana. Telangana State Police have made it simpler for individuals to pay fines by giving an E-challan. Those fined do not have to wait in endless queues and can pay penalties on the spot with a debit/credit card swipe. The authorities in Telangana have personal digital assistants, or PDA machines, with them. The Telangana authorities can connect to a central system with an excellent GPRS network. Through this, the police can even view previous violations. If you want to find out the status of any challans issued to you, Finserv MARKETS is an excellent place to start.

When is an E-challan issued?

Even if you don’t pay your fine on the spot, the PDA system of the authorities in Telangana can print out an E-challan instantly and hand it over to you to pay it online later, within a stipulated period. Here are some instances when an E-challan is issued in Telangana:

  • Driving without a license – You will incur an E-challan with a fine of Rs. 500
  • Driving without registration documents – You will incur a penalty of Rs. 2000 for this
  • Going without updated insurance documents – You will have to pay a fine of Rs. 1000
  • Underage driving – If you are going when you are under 18, you will get fined Rs. 500
  • Moving into a ‘No Entry’ zone – You will be fined Rs. 200 for this violation

How to Check the Status of an E-challan in Telangana

There may be instances when traffic violators do not know of a violation they committed, as cameras may have caught them unaware. In such cases, checking your challan status online is possible, and it’s a good idea to do this regularly. Here is how you can narrow your E-challan group in Telangana through these steps:

  1. Go to the portal of Parivahan
  2. On the Home Page, you will see a tab, ‘Check Challan Status’. Click on this
  3. You will be directed to a new page on which you have to fill in your driver’s license details or vehicle number.
  4. You will see ‘Challan Not Found’ in a box if no existing E-challan is issued.
  5. If an E-challan exists against you, a new page showing you your challan details will open.

In the End

To prevent violation of traffic regulations, it’s essential to know more about them and the fines charged. At Finserv MARKETS, you can get detailed information in this respect.


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