How to Make Money Online – Lifestyle Or Professional Blogger

A blog is a powerful device sincerely because its contents are speedily indexed with the aid of the most important search engines. There are two major forms of bloggers. Let’s have a look at how these blogs are monetized!

1) Lifestyle Blogging

Are you hip, fun, outgoing, wonderful, cool? Then, a lifestyle blog may additionally be for you! The concept of a Lifestyle weblog is to come across as friendly, FUNNY, and upbeat. Lifestyle running a blog offers you a cool “movie star” reputation, particularly if your content is interesting, has the best pics, is quirky, and humorous. If your viewership is high enough, advertising space or product/venue critiques can be used to monetize your weblog. Perhaps the exceptional way is to weblog a submission where you strive for a sure product or go to a nightclub as a part of your lifestyle, then write your enjoyment approximately it (and be paid to achieve this by using the employer). Just as they promote its products in movies, an Aston Martin or BMW in James Bond, you could do the equal in case you’re a way of life blogger; you could do the identical, where you creatively showcase the product by weaving it in as a part of it what you did nowadays.

How to Make Money Online - Lifestyle Or Professional Blogger 1

A couple of examples of Lifestyle blogs you may test out are:

– Xia Xue (xiaxue.Blogspot.Com)
– Angela Leow Gray (angela.Blursotong.Com)

So, if you’re younger, write properly and exactly with the virtual digital camera. You might want to create a way of life blog. An Alfresco Dining Restaurant or NightLife Club can also just technique you to go to their venue and pay you $5K to $10K to have fun at their event and weblog approximately it.

2) Professional Niche Blogging

An expert blog gives tips and ideas for a niche that remedies a positive problem. The dynamics of an expert blog are different from a way of life weblog, and so is the monetization. An expert blogger writes from the reader’s point of view and attitude. In other phrases, he does not write about himself. He writes approximately how he can offer cost and benefit to another person and regularly clear up a certain hassle. For instance, say you’re a Golf Coach; you might want to proportion thoughts approximately the golf swing and create films on YouTube on “a way to forestall slices” and “how to hit the motive force” well. That is the “marketing” issue. There is always a quiet objective in mind, wherein you will provide a golfing coaching program, video, or CD, a product that monetizes your marketing.

Preferably, there are a few online charges for your product and a sale.
3) Professional Blogger Or LifeStyle Blogger?

It’s much less complicated to make cash blogging professionally because you do not need a massive audience or a ton of visitors to earn big profits from this weblog. People who visit those blogs are ready to spend cash to the advantage of a product or application. I’ve seen positive niche markets wherein clients pay up to $50,000 for a provider that solves a sure need or hassle. This means that once a person has something of their lifestyle that needs solving, they’ll pay several cash to do so. This is why a professional blogger doesn’t want a massive, fashionable target market; all they want is a small, centered target audience with huge trouble. A lifestyle blogger then again entertains an extensive target market, and people who visit those blogs typically do not want to shop for something. They’re, in general, there to be entertained!

Think of it as a huge target market going for a movie compared to a small area of interest audience with arthritis. TSo, the specialist solving the arthritis sickness for a small organization of patients, can anticipate doing very well (earnings sensible) even though his patron base is much smaller. As a lifestyle blogger, most of the income will come from sponsors and advertisers about your particular way of life. The more site visitors and eyeballs you can get on your website, the more money you stand to make.

The weblog needs to be innovative and current to keep people coming back. And it’s more of a labor of passion. Most lifestyle blogs start as a hobby instead of a 6 figure advertising/marketing/product endorsement platform. From a monetization attitude, I would have to say that it’s easier to blog professionally because you may quickly & without problems connect to a unique target market and be well rewarded (financially) for helping remedy their troubles.



Writer. Extreme twitter advocate. Hipster-friendly food expert. Internet aficionado. Earned praised for my work analyzing Yugos for the government. Spent 2002-2008 short selling glucose with no outside help. Spent several months developing strategies for xylophones in Ocean City, NJ. What gets me going now is supervising the production of cod in Cuba. Spoke at an international conference about supervising the production of inflatable dolls in Hanford, CA. Spent two years short selling cabbage in Tampa, FL.