Mobile Device Strategy for Every Business in 2022

In 2022 mobile technology will dominate the landscape, not just because of consumerization. Mobile device use has increased dramatically over the past decade as smartphone adoption has become mainstream. Now that users can buy smartphones at a much more affordable price, they choose devices based on features, quality, and value.

Mobile devices are changing our world. We all know this. And even though the mobile device market is predicted to continue its meteoric rise, what are businesses doing to prepare for the coming wave of change?

If you plan to launch a new product, service, or version of an existing product or service, this article will help you develop a mobile device strategy for your business in 2022.

In our work with hundreds of companies over the years, we have observed that almost every company we’ve met has used mobile technology somehow. The real challenge is determining the best approach for you, your employees, and your customers. This article shows you why you need a strategy, how to choose between multiple systems, and why you should care about your mobile experience.

Mobile Device

How Will Your Company’s Mobile Strategy Change?

As mobile devices become more popular, more and more companies are starting to focus on mobile marketing. While it’s true that mobile devices are still underused, mobile is no longer a fad.

According to comScore research, smartphone adoption increased to 66% of all U.S. internet users in 2015, up from 53% in 2013. In 2017, this number was expected to reach 75%.

Businesses that ignore mobile are putting themselves at risk of losing ground to their competitors. If you’re not considering the importance of mobile, you’re leaving a huge opportunity on the table.

Mobile device usage trends

What’s the latest and greatest statistic? According to Statista, more than 95% of the world’s population uses mobile devices, up from less than 50% only 20 years ago.

But what does this mean for businesses?

Businesses that fail to adapt quickly to the mobile world will find themselves in a difficult position. The reality is that most consumers are now using portable devices to access the web.

This means that a business that doesn’t respond to customers with mobile-friendly websites is losing out on an enormous potential market.

While this is true, mobile-friendly websites are only one small part of the story.

Mobile devices are becoming more and more prevalent in the workplace

According to a recent report from Cisco, “By 2020, more than 50% of the world’s workforce will be using a mobile device for work, up from the 40% who are already using them today.”

So, how can your business benefit from this trend?

Many businesses already have a well-defined mobile strategy; some even create a specific team to develop this part of the business. However, many companies are still struggling to find an effective way to integrate mobile devices into their existing strategy.

If you want to start on the right foot, consider the following four steps.

1. Define Your Mobile Needs

Regarding mobile devices, it’s important to identify your current needs. Are you looking to improve productivity? Expand the brand? Increase the bottom line?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can move on to the second step.

2. Identify and Measure Mobile Goals

You can’t start your mobile strategy if you don’t know what you want to achieve. It would be best if you had a clear idea of your goals. This should include identifying your portable goals, as well as measuring progress towards these goals.

For example, do you want to increase sales? If so, how can you measure that? How about employee satisfaction? Or customer service?

As you can see, many different ways to measure mobile goals exist. But the point is that you need to identify these goals and measure them. Otherwise, you’ll have no idea whether your efforts are working.

3. Create a Mobile Roadmap

Now that you’ve identified and measured your mobile goals creating a roadmap is time.

A mobile roadmap is simply a list of the activities you’ll need to carry out to reach your portable goals.

Businesses must consider how they will use mobile devices to engage with customers.

Mobile devices are changing the way we communicate. As a result, it’s no surprise that more businesses are considering the strategic implications of mobile devices.

One of the most important things to remember when considering mobile devices is that we’re talking about the entire customer journey.

Think about it like this: In the past, when someone wanted to buy something from you, they’d head to your store and purchase it. Today, however, the customer journey is much more complex.

With mobile devices, they’ll begin by searching for your business on a search engine. They’ll then view your social media profiles.

They’ll check your website.

They’ll click through to your blog.

And they’ll read your articles.

And, of course, they’ll make a purchase.

The key here is to understand that if you’re not providing a great experience on every step of this journey, you’re not getting the entire customer.

The challenge for many businesses is that they’ve traditionally only focused on the first two steps in this customer journey.

Now, you’ll have to start thinking about the entire process because if you only think about the first two steps, you’re missing out on the real opportunity.

Fequently asked questions about Mobile Devices.

Q: What kind of phones do you use?

A: I use an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2. My phone has become my assistant. It tells me when I have texts or emails and reminds me of important dates.

Q: What are your favorite apps on your mobile devices?

A: Google Keep, Evernote, and a calculator.

Q: How often do you check your email/texts?

A: When I get an email from someone, I immediately open it up. If it is a text, I check it directly.

Q: Do you use your mobile device for work purposes?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you take pictures with your mobile devices?

A: I take lots of pictures with my phone. I have a few friends who help me take photos. We also have a photographer friend who shoots shots for us.

Top myths about Mobile Devices

1. Cell phones cause cancer.

2. Cell phones cause brain tumors.

3. Cell phones cause sterility.

4. Cell phones can kill you.


As you know, the future of marketing is mobile. And if you aren’t focusing on mobile yet, you’re missing out on many potential customers.

Your customers are already spending time on their phones. You’re missing out on a huge opportunity if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website.

You will want to add some mobile apps if you have a mobile-friendly site.


Writer. Extreme twitter advocate. Hipster-friendly food expert. Internet aficionado. Earned praised for my work analyzing Yugos for the government. Spent 2002-2008 short selling glucose with no outside help. Spent several months developing strategies for xylophones in Ocean City, NJ. What gets me going now is supervising the production of cod in Cuba. Spoke at an international conference about supervising the production of inflatable dolls in Hanford, CA. Spent two years short selling cabbage in Tampa, FL.